Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

American people

American people is also very friendly, but some times I still don't understand their behavior. They are very glad to take with you, but if you really want make friend with them, you will find it's so difficult. They are also very autocephaly.

The Problem between Ms.Kramar and Mei Chang

The Problem between Ms.Kramar and Mei Chang
1. A. Now, more and more international students go to America for studying. Their ages are tending to younger and younger.
B. Mei chang encounters several problems, such as how to communicate with classmates and teachers well and how to participate in class.
2. A. To take with other student as much as possible.
B. To make more American friends
C. To communicate with teachers frequently
3. A. 1. Arrange how to manage time logical.
2. Sometimes will feel lonely
B. 1. Can improve English
2. Someone maybe will influence you
C. 1. Can let teacher know how to help you
2. The talking time is limited
4. 1. I choose the solution 3
2. She always misunderstood his teacher, so they need more communication.

Friday, April 24, 2009

American Questions

1. Americans are people who always enjoy the life.
2. They like freedom so they don't want somebody to bother their dicision.
3. They don't like people who do things slowly.
4. They act what make them happy.
5. Most Americans belive in themselves.
6. The United states is a country where people can earn a lot of money.
7. The average American is very lonely.
8. Americans today are worried about American economy.
9. The most important thing in life to most American is money.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is American culture?

American culture is freedom. You can find a lot of different culture in USA, all of them mixed together is American culture. People can like anything what they want and speak angthing they like. You can find a lot of different style 's people at street. People will enjoy that if they blend in it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Outline of American Pop culture-Music

A.Opening Sentence: American Music is one of the most important part of the music.
B.Thesis: Music is everywhere.

2. support 1
A. Hipop music
B. Classic music
3. support 2
A. Jazz music
B. Rock music
4. Conclusion
Music is very important and popular for our life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Case Study Report

1. Statement of the Problem

A. Definition Dita feel lonely when she came to North America.

B. Analysis Dita can communication well with other person and did not have friend to play with.

2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions

A. Solution 1 Take part in more Social Club.

B. Solution 2 Make some friend at school and speak move try her best.

C. Solution 3 improve herself try to become activity with her friend in school

3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions

A. Solution 11. Advantages Easy to get friend2. Disadvantages may be got some bad friend

B. Solution 21. Advantages easy to get friend and2. Disadvantages difficult to get good friend in internet

C. Solution 31. Advantages safe and people in school can truth2. Disadvantages It will take time to improve

4. Selection of a Solution

A. Choice Solution 3

B. Justification It is better that find some friend in school because it was safe and the friend in school not only the person to play with but also can become a good partner in study.

First person : Teacher and student

1. what did Carol Baum want to do for her students in her Advanced English as a Second Language class?
Carol Baum wanted them to be chanlenged, to see America's best and thought that it was difficult to improve English. If students thought so, they would feel inconfident. The teacher considered the advanced English as a second language class just like to study something new. That would be much easier .
2. why wasn’t the English class going well at first?
Because the student thought the reading is too hard.
3. what happen to get the students interested in the class?
The teacher tried to motivate student talk more in the class and teach some story relate to teh students.
4. why does the teacher admire her students?
Because students all have different dIfficulty but they could overcome the language barrier and had more and more progress.
5. what is the main idea of this reading?
How to communication with international students and as the international students,we should work harder than the local students. Additionally, teachers' patient is important. Both them should know how to cooperate with each other so that we can improve our English well.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009